Dome Technology produces company overview

Dome Technology company overview cover

Dome Technology has produced a company overview with information about our scope of expertise, including hyperlinks to relevant information on our website. It also highlights our project locations around the world, how we prioritize safety, and what “turnkey construction” means to us.

Planning a new bulk-storage facility, community event center, or FEMA-rated storm shelter is a big undertaking, and Dome Technology is your partner for doing things right. We are an international construction company providing your turnkey solution for bulk storage and handling, commercial construction, and concrete repair and rehabilitation. Our goal is to help your company achieve the ideal facility, and we can help with every stage of the project.

Our Portfolio page includes a handy list of bulk-storage applications that work well with our domes and a list of all the products and services we provide. And just for fun, we’ve included a diagram showing eight projects to scale and comparing them size-wise to the United States White House.

Our team relies upon a collaborative approach with companies—they’re in the driver seat, and we help navigate. Every project begins with in-depth discussions designed to understand customer objectives, and our company’s design-build team quickly provides preliminary engineering and an estimate within an acceptable plus-or-minus margin so customers can determine if a project’s scope fits the budget.

Click here to download our company overview and click here to meet team members who can answer your questions.